One of the most common phenomena that occurs among those who care for  sick people ,  older adultsPeople with some injury , disabled or who require special treatment, is the  Tired Caregiver Syndrome .
According to the World Health Organization about 60% of the world population has suffered this problem at some point in their lives, so it is vital to know their causes and ways to avoid it, to give those who require quality care .

What is Tired Caregiver Syndrome?

Generally, the  Tired Caregiver Syndrome  appears when he begins to experience a major change in his life, having to face a new situation that consumes most of his time and energy. It may also be due to the fact that the  caregiver  transforms his life into that of the  sick person  and the problems of the sick person become his.
Experts in health  note that this syndrome develops as the  caregiver  assumes regular tasks of  care of the person  (hygiene, food, medication, among others), which involve being on top of the day, a situation that generates a psychological burden and important physics.

9 symptoms to take into account

The  Tired Caregiver Syndrome  is characterized by several symptoms that affect the physical, psychological and social relationships of those who  care for the person:

  • Physical and mental exhaustion
  • Symptoms of stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • In some cases, depression
  • Irritability
  • Joint pains
  • Social isolation
  • Anxiety
  • Susceptibility

How to avoid Tired Caregiver Syndrome? 10 tips that can make a difference?

  1. Do not be the only  caregiver , look for ways to involve other people or family members.
  2. Discuss your feelings and fears with family and friends.
  3. Choose healthy lifestyle habits: eat a balanced diet, play sports, avoid excessive consumption.
  4. Have moments of respite and relaxation: take time off to take care of yourself.
  5. En la medida de lo posible evite el estrés planificando de antemano todas las situaciones que tengan que ver con el cuidado de una persona.
  6. Mantenga siempre una actitud positiva.
  7. Trate de no dejar de lado las actividades que más le gustan: Leer, escuchar música, tejer, escribir, entre otras.
  8. Descanse lo suficiente cada día y trate de dormir al menos ocho horas
  9. Cuide su salud y acuda regularmente al médico para revisiones.
  10. Pase momentos de calidad con la persona que tiene a su cargo: en la medida de lo posible salgan a pasear, tomen café juntos, conversen o simplemente pasen un rato agradable al aire libre.

If you need more information about  caring for sick  or  elderly people , contact  Homewatch CareGivers , the care professionals, today.

  1. agosto 26, 2018

    Esta vez te has superado, sin dudarlo impresionante artículo!!!

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